The wrap up


One of the best things we’ve come across in terms of cutting down our single use plastic is food wraps made with beeswax. Not only are they environmentally sound as they are chemical-free but they make your fridge or lunchbox look way more fun with a bunch of different designs and colours!

They can be used to wrap up leftovers, put over bowls, carry sandwiches, seal juice jars and so much more. All you need to do is wash them gently in cool water with a little detergent and leave to air dry.

The beeswax and resin helps them to mould to the shape of the bowl or object your wrapping. So they are air tight and keep smells from ‘leaking’ across the whole fridge.

We found ours at a craft market on the Central Coast. The maker is Eco Food Wrap.

Others include:

Say goodbye to cling-wrapped goods which can leak toxins into your food and get using the reusables!